Phonetronics Marketplace
Product details
Think You’ve Figured Out Content Creation? Think Again!
All-New Creative Stock Media Platform That Gives UNLIMITED Access To HD Images, Videos & Lots More With The RARE Opportunity To Sell Them Too!
The Ultimate Solution Digital Marketers Need To Get Rid of Pricey Stock Subscriptions, Unending Limitations & Low-Converting Creatives
One-click download of unlimited stock images, videos, illustrations, vectors, GIFs & audios
Quick keyword search to suit your niche
Upload your creatives to earn the top dollar
Drive in unprecedented traffic effortlessly
Automated lead capturing technology
Put an end to subscription enslavement
Steer away from copyright infringement issues
Tracking & deep analytics for hassle-free retargeting
In-built genius editor to churn creatives in record time
You’re 3-Clicks Away
From Insane Profit
Step 1
Transform your life today by getting access to MegaStocks now!
Step 2
Type in your niche or any keyword to stir up a quick stock media search
Are You Tired Of The Classic
Client-Agency War?
A marketer & product creator by profession, I was just so done trying to please my clients. Until I found just the right solution. So now I don’t have to try anymore.
Sounds unbelievable? Read on...
Nothing Brief About What Goes On
Behind The Creative BRIEF!
The struggle to satisfy clients when it comes to creatives is NEVER ENDING. The more you do, the less it is.
You think you’ve understood the brief loud and clear. You spend every single moment searching for just the right image, video and audio to fit the bill.
Along the way...you struggle to find the right keyword for the search, and come across crappy images. Until you find a good one that you feel will get you the client nod...only to realize that it can’t be used because of an annoying watermark.
Then you begin the search all over again...finally settling for some decent media from your “limited subscription plan” on an expensive stock platform.
I can’t even bear to recall how frustrating it is to be sacrificing quality time with friends and family in search for the right media.
Just When You Think
It Can’t Get Worse… It Can
All those who naively think that the initial search is the worst part. It was just the beginning of the hell that awaits them.
After struggling to get the final creative options edited with the selected photos, videos or audios in time...arrives the dreaded follow-up meeting.
You show the creatives with all your charm hoping to win your client over. You think you’ve brought your A-game...and then your little bubble bursts.
The client rejects all the endless hours you’ve put to find & create that output within seconds, sometimes even without blinking their eyelid.
They ask for more options as if it means nothing...
The Vicious Cycle
Then You Go Back To The Keyboard & Type Again… To Face The Vicious Cycle All Over Again
Cancel all plans & search all day/night long
Upset yourself & your loved ones
Struggle to search for the right images & skip the ones you’ve already seen
Get annoyed by watermarks in within the media
Do anything in the moment to put an end to the suffering- even upgrade your limited stock plan to unlimited that costs a BOMB every month
Spend more on the media than you’ll actually get paid from your clients
Lose your profits, sanity & work-life balance
A Marketer’s Rant
Some of us as marketers have really struggled with this aspect of content creation all our professional lives.
It has made us slaves to the membership trap set by expensive stock platforms. There is simply no choice but to bow down to their ask.
Even though we are aware that we are losing out on our share of profits, we are left with no other alternative.
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